Author Archives: Peter

About Peter

Peter Fenner, PH.D. is spiritual teacher and a leader in the adaption and transmission of Asian nondual wisdom worldwide. He offers training programs and individual coaching and meditation entrainment sessions over the phone. Pioneer in the development of nondual therapy and creator of the Radiant Mind Course® and Natural Awakening: Advanced Nondual Training:, he was a celibate monk in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for 9 years and has a Ph.D. in the philosophical psychology of Mahayana Buddhism. Over a period of 40 years Peter Fenner has distilled the essence of traditions like Zen, Dzogchen and the Buddhist Middle Way, and adapted them to suit our post-modern culture.

An unusual silence

“It cannot be sought by mindlessness, it cannot be understood by mindfulness. It cannot be reached by talking, it cannot be understood by silence.” Chinese Zen master Ying-an Peter: Thank you very much. I appreciate the opportunity to make a […]

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Should I talk, or stay silent?

Peter: I’m noticing that you seem to be spending a fair amount of time waiting for something to happen. I’m sure you can recognize the energy of waiting. You are waiting for something to come along. It could be a […]

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Interview with Gary Smith of Evolutus PR – June 2009

Gary: How would you define surrender? Who or what is one surrendering to in your opinion? God, Universe, Self, Soul, What Is, present moment…? Peter: Generally, the way that I see things, such as the notion of surrender, is inspired […]

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Radiant Mind – SENTIENT TIMES Feb-March 2008

Radiant Mind Interview with author Peter Fenner By Carrie Grossman Whether it is called enlightenment, pure awareness, or the “unconditioned mind,” there exists an awakened state of pure liberation that is at the heart of every contemplative tradition. Peter Fenner, […]

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Unconditioned Awareness: Exploring the end of all seeking

Excerpts from a dialogue with Peter Fenner at the Omega Institute July 2006 Peter Fenner: My understanding of being, in the way that it’s understood in eastern traditions like Buddhism and Hinduism, is that being doesn’t exclude anything, because it’s […]

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Blending Theory and Practice

by Peter Fenner “The Great Teaching … is easy to enter for those with sharp faculties and quick wits and broad penetration who don’t use their intellectual brilliance to try to comprehend it.” From the Chinese Zen master Yuanwu. “To […]

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Integrating the Personal and the Transpersonal

Although people desire the non-dualistic and limitless (awareness, they make a) limit out of that which is not limited and thereby constrict the essential mind itself. Even though people desire (the realization of) both (the transcendent and relative) realities they […]

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Dismantling fixations

by Peter Fenner People who have participated in the Intrinsic Freedom program enjoy its unique capacity to create an experience that is free from conflict and confusion. They also appreciate that the work is subtle. At times it is so […]

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Beyond Practice

by Peter Fenner In Timeless Wisdom courses many people have a clear and thorough experience of presence. Participants enjoy a state of presence that is self-maintaining and which doesn’t need any further cultivation. Presence is experienced as a natural and complete […]

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Caught in the Here and Now!

by Peter Fenner Do you oscillate between thinking: I need help – I don’t need help This is a real problem – I’m just making this up I need to try harder – Trying harder just gets in the way […]

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